

three steps

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The Three Steps are three prominent rocky steps on the northeast ridge of Mount Everest. They are located at altitudes of , , and .

...文网 关键词:黄土;隧道;三台阶; 预留核心土; 沉降;裂缝;安全距离; 措施 [gap=316]Keywords: loess; Tunnel; Three steps; Reserve core soil; Settlement; Crack; Safety distance; measures ..
中国养猪生产的环保技术与应用 ... 产严重损失/sabotage pig production on • 主要工艺——三段式/Three steps 分利用?/How to recycle the anaerobic ...
强化三个环节 提高语文教学质量--中国期刊网 关键词:高中语文;教学质量;三环节 [gap=3834]Key words: senior high school Chinese; teaching quality; three steps
Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party in the State Committee, the State Government under the correct leadership of people of all ethnic groups Zhouqu County, persist in taking economic construction as the center in order to speed up the development of the theme, seize the development of the western region and the state's support of ethnic minorities the history of regional development opportunities, leading cadres and the masses of all ethnic groups throughout the county carry forward the "people of, I 10, the people of 10, I per cent," the entrepreneurial spirit, and constantly emancipating the mind, pioneering and innovative, based on a wealth of resources, to build national poverty-stricken areas to promote the cause of economic and social sustainable development, healthy and rapid platform, so that the face of the whole county has changed dramatically. Especially in recent years, the county up and down earnestly implement the provincial party committee "to hold high a strengthening of the two", "release the two arrested two" strategic initiatives and state committee, "1422253" development strategy, in accordance with the "three-step" strategic approach, striving to clear the By 2005 the county has basically solved the food and clothing, to the stability of the county in 2010 to solve the food and clothing by 2020 to achieve overall well-off, the initial 2025 building a moderately prosperous society to achieve the goal.
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