

Of Gelatinize

Peripherin-cutan coating is governed by the “ on the floor in the dark-coloured plastic little strickle, jiahou-posive at the end. ” To photoptic-made two-component adhesives, for example, film version of gelatinize for “ 2 + 2 + 1) ”, that is, screen scraping surface and the business card printing and membership card making surface strickle photoptic gum at a time, then put into a 40oc dry box drying, 20min and strickle on either side of the adhesive once, for the second to last buyang strickle a business card printing and membership card production, to increase the thickness of photographic film. To further enhance the ink coverage, increase the amount may be in had “ 2 + 2 + 2) ” or “ 2 + 2 + 3) ” blowing plastic (figures in brackets represent the screen business card printing and membership card making face number of buyang strickle multifraction). In the case of higher levels of imports solid photographicsensitive strickle gum gum can reduce the number of common “ 1 + 1 + 2) ” of gelatinize.
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