

Destabilize Local Economies

Selamat Balik! We return once again with more to discuss with you. Currently, our Earth allies are engaged upon a series of moves which is to lead to victory! Meanwhile, the dark cabal is busy goading radicals and firebrands within the populist uprisings of the Middle East into confrontation and unrealistic demands in an effort to destabilize local economies. The goal here is to mess up the final stages of the Earth allies' new economic packages waiting in the wings. Another dark agenda is to generate desperately needed petrodollars for the cabal's now-empty coffers by driving the price of oil to record levels. To counter this, our Earth allies ha ve stepped in covertly and are working with the regional leaders of both sides to secure agreements that not only preempt the sharp rise in chaos intended by the dark cabal but also prepare for a SΜoother transition to the new financial and economic systems. The allies' goal is to turn nationalist fervor into a force that can be used for peace, prosperity, and stability for every nation in the Middle East, and we ha ve used our good offices to aid the efforts of our Earth allies.
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